• K9 DogHealth - Immune boosting, cartilage strengthening products for dogs.

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BARF feeding
The BARF Feeding 650 366 K9-DogHealth.com

The BARF Feeding

The BARF Feeding means Biologically Appropriate Raw Food. Among today’s dog owners, an increasing number are facing health issues affecting their pets. The widespread use of antibiotics, the increasing presence of chronic skin and fur diseases, bacterial infections, leukemia, parvovirus,…

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Proper nutrition and dysplasia
Proper nutrition and dysplasia 650 366 K9-DogHealth.com

Proper nutrition and dysplasia

Proper nutrition and dysplasia The extent of the development of dysplasia and the resulting clinical symptoms can be significantly reduced. The solution lies in proper nutrition. The development of dysplasia is fundamentally attributed to genetic reasons. In the case of…

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Feeding the dog with cancer
Feeding the dog with cancer 650 366 K9-DogHealth.com

Feeding the dog with cancer

Depending on the dog’s breed and the type of tumor, there are several therapies available for the treatment of cancer. However, regardless of the treatment applied, one of the most important weapons against cancer is the nutrition and proper feeding…

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