• K9 DogHealth - Immune boosting, cartilage strengthening products for dogs.


In early June 2011, we noticed a lump on the leg of our beloved poodle Harry. We took him to the vet who advised us to remove it immediately. We were booked in for surgery later that week. When we spoke to the doctor after the operation, she said that the lump had visibly grown (and it had only been 3 days since the first appointment!)

While I was waiting for the results of the histology, I was desperately searching the internet for something that could help my puppy, and that’s how I came across your website. The following week our vet called with the results. The histology diagnosed a malignant tumour. Unfortunately I could not find anything on your website about this type of tumour, but I read through all the success stories and decided to try your products. Soon after talking to the vet, I ordered a month’s supply of K9 Immunity, Transfer Factor and Omega.

Harry started taking the products two days after the histology arrived. The diagnosis was malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH), a connective tissue tumor type, and extremely malignant. We did not expect Harry to live through June, much less July or August.

I am happy to say that I will order another month’s supply tomorrow, as Harry is better than he has been for years. He’s 9 now and has as much energy as he did as a puppy! He is very playful, has a great appetite and seems happy. We just went for a walk to his favourite park, where we met up with an old walking friend we haven’t seen in years. He said Harry looked great. I told him about his illness and he was absolutely shocked because he said it didn’t show a bit.

I’m so glad we gave your products a chance, even though Harry’s tumour is quite rare and always fatal. Every day we get to spend with him is a gift, and we have no doubt that without your preparations, they would not be either.

Thank you very much!
Lynn, Greg and Harry
